CTR2-Display is a new firmware solution that enables you to use a Seeed Studios Wio Terminal as a simple remote display for CTR2-Micro.

To use CTR2-Display you must install CTR2-Micro v1.05.00 or above on your Micro.

All you need is the Wio Terminal, the firmware is free!

Programming the Wio Terminal

To copy the firmware to your Wio Terminal you must first put it into program mode. To do this, quickly double-click it’s power button past the normal ON position. This will create an Arduino folder in you computer’s file manager. Now, just copy the CURRENT.UF2 file from the zip file into the Arduino folder. Your Wio will reboot running the new firmware.

Click the link below to download the zip file.


February 14, 2024: v1.00.00

  • Initial release